Dream it, Do it !!

In our life, there has always been times when we might have wanted to do different things. But we never did due to lack of awareness or sometimes sheer laziness. For some of the things we just kept waiting for the right occasion and never made it a priority. Sometimes what we wanted to do changes over time and then we lose the desire to do them.


We dream to do a lot of things but never have the guts to fulfill them due to lot of reasons. But somewhere at the corner of our mind, these dreams keep daunting and make us guilty and uncomfortable. Instead think of it the other way, if we had worked to fulfill our dreams how happy and accomplished we would have felt. 

Personally, even i have a lot of dreams not being fulfilled due to lot of reasons. I always keep wishing If only I had a second chance. But that is something which is not guaranteed. Then why leave it undone. If we dream something, there is a purpose behind that and we should not put it off for later instead do it then and there.

If i had a second chance, here are few things which i wanted to do earlier when in school -

1. Exercise and eat clean
From my childhood, I have always been a chubby fat girl. Everyone used to pull my cheeks and i loved being that way. As time passed, i thought that was how we should be. I did not know anything about exercise and would eat any junk like potato chips and fast food frequently.  By frequently eating fast food, i kept putting on weight. As i graduated from college and started working, i continued the habit to eat fast food as it would save time. By then my weight was already 75Kg and came under overweight category. I started falling sick frequently and started having health complications. It was during that time that the doctor advised me to totally stop eating fast food and start exercising. He scolded me for not taking care of my health for so many days. 


2. Have a hobby
From school days, we have been forced to join the rat race. My world used to revolve around studies and school. I never thought that there could be any use of having a hobby. I thought that was just for time pass. But overtime, i realized that hobbies are definitely required to refresh you from the monotony of life. I had always been good at doing arts and crafts. But i did not pursue it beyond what was required to be done for school because i was lazy and found all excuses to not do it. 

3. Pursue higher studies in US
From my engineering days i always wanted to pursue higher studies in the US. At that point of time, i really did not know why i want to go there. Maybe because everyone around me was doing that. So i had this deep desire to go to US for my MS. I had started my preparation for it too. But in my final year, we had campus placements in college and i got placed with TCS. From that day onwards, my focus and desire to go to US started getting diverted. Some even advised me to work for 2 years and then go for higher studies with work experience. So hearing everyone, i dropped the idea of higher studies immediately and joined TCS. But little did i realize that those 2 years would fly into 8 years and here i am still with that unfulfilled desire hoping to go to USA one day !!

When we keep postponing things, we do not get anything out of them. Do not post pone things!  Do it right now! Because life doesn't always give a Second chance!

This post is a part of the #SecondChance activity at BlogAdda in association with MaxLife Insurance”.

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